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Glass White UV contact lenses these lenses have a blood red colour and glow brightly under UV light They look incredible and will make you the centre of attention wherever you go.

Coloured Contacts-Vino Red UV

SKU: 82001
  • UV Coloured Contacts

    Sold as a pair and are 1 day use only. For use with Halloween costumes, fancy dress, and extreme fashion or for just having some fun these coloured contacts will certainly make you look unique. These coloured contacts can be worn for 8 hours and will keeps your eyes feeling fresh, hydrated and comfortable.

  • All lenses sold by MesmerEyez are CE approved for use in the UK & Europe.

    The base curve of our MesmerEyez lenses is 8.6 and the diameter is 14.2.

    All our coloured contact lenses are designed to be very comfortable as they are made from soft materials that are not noticeable once inserted.

    As our products are not lenses by definition (they are non-prescription plano lenses which do not alter your vision), you don't need a lens fitting consultation prior to wear. However, as the placement of an eye accessory such as these on your eye is something which should be done very carefully indeed; we always recommend you visit your optician for a lens fitting prior to wear - especially if you are a first time user.

    No - never sleep in your lenses or prolong the use of lenses longer than is necessary. You can starve your eye of oxygen by doing this and cause damage. Always remember to take your lenses out before going to sleep.

    MesmerEyez coloured contact lenses are safe. It is, however, important to follow theintructions closely.

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